Waterdrop painting, he is a wellknown painter in korea and throughout the world these days.
Kim Chang Yeol is a famous artist for drawing water drops.
Born : 1929/12/24 Pyeongnam mang-san
Things that’s good to know : In 1980’s he started to draw water drops.

In 1990’s he started to draw waterdrops on newspapers but the paper wasn’t good enough so he tried to draw it on canvas but he wanted some writings behind it just like newspapers so he decided to draw thousand characters classics(천자문) first and draw water drops on top of it, which is quite a fascinating thing to do. To him Kim Chang Yeol the characters classic meant a lot of things in his childhood, throughout many of his works with thousand characters classic there is none repeated character in his paintings.

Meaning of Water drop :
There are many feelings that he explains about waterdrops. He was a college student when Korean war started in 1950, so half of his classmates and his friends has died over those years and that has been his greatest sorrows. He made his sorrows from war to many paintings, but the water drop he says it’s his wound from war and also it means healing to himself at the same time. As he drew it they healed him.
HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI!!!!!!!!! so another artist said that ‘the water drop in his painting shows us a new feature and we see another fantasy in the water drop.’
Kim Chang Yeol himself said that ‘ Water drop is who I am.(although I’m not sure what he’s talking about…) This(water drop) in Buddhism and Taoism means the world of nothing. The thing about..Everything in this world exists and have to be disappeared, I explained it all in the water drop.’
Naver reporter said-like when you see the monks weep their yard and spraying water is kind of an action of purify. And this is thought at the painting too.
‘putting space in water drop.’ It says that it was his mind when he started to draw water drops. Basically he is drawing what he thinks it's his past, present and future. Some of us may not know what he's talking about, because i inderstood why it was water drop just a little bit only after the researching, but i think that makes it more special. He has his own private way to talk about his life. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋi think not many of people would know to describe their life so shortly yet so interesting to millions of people.